Learn from my mistakes!

Scene 1

You are making one of your husband’s favourite desserts in the world, the lovely lemon tart. – Lah dih dah dih dah…..! Oh oh! What’s that? No more icing sugar? Well, that’s ok, isn’t it? I’ll just replace it with some caster sugar. – And you do.

Scene 2

You’re trying to roll the pastry. Unsuccessfully. It keeps falling apart. No matter whatever you do. You chilled it for 3 hours, like it said, but nevertheless, the bugger keeps falling apart. You try again…

Scene 3

… and again, and AGAIN!!!!!!!!! But the fucker just won’t – stay – together!!!! – And how do you transfer THAT to the baking tin?!!! HA?!!!! Bloody joke! Grrrrrrrrr

Scene 4

By this point, you are totally completely and unquestionably out of your wits! Lost the plot! Bye-bye! Gone! Ha ha!

Scene 5

But, here comes rescue – in the shape of a very goodlooking man…. 🙂

Scene 6

The stars are smiling again… He gives you a helping hand, and comes up with a brilliant idea – use small mince pie tins, lady! It’s easier to roll a small piece! And you do! Best of all, you do it together! Laughing your heads off by this point. Isn’t life good again?


And the moral of this story is….

If the recipe says ‘use icing sugar’, it probably says that for a reason! Especially if we’re talking baking here! I’d made this tart perfectly successfully 3 or 4 times before this occasion, and it worked every time. Rolled it out perfectly. This time, I use caster sugar, and it all goes wierd. Isn’t that a bit of a hint? 🙂 Anyway,  this was really really annoying. I cannot stress this enough. So spare yourself the headache, and do use the correct sugar. 🙂


And for more of my kitchen mishaps/misadventures/mini-catastrophes, click HERE!


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  1. I love it! I seem to have many, many kitchen disasters because I substitute freely. Just like this.

    I know I shouldn’t…glad you found a solution!


  2. LOL! I substitute freely too, but then again, I have a husband who eats anything I make. Even if it looks disastrous. heehee.


  3. My husband will eat everything you give him – and that’s precisely what worries me! Don’t want to kill him off, you know! Not while he’s still in the prime of his manhood! hehehe


  4. lol! I know this scenario. Poor my S. very often has to save me from my baking disasters!

    PS: koja je tocno razlika izmedju caster suger i icing suger? Je li caster mljuveni kristalni secer, a icing ono sto mi zavemo “secer u prahu” ili stogod drugoga?


  5. da, caster sugar je mljeveni, fini, kristalni secer. Al s jako malim, finim zrncima. Icing sugar je secer u prahu. Sad vidis koji je to zajeb bio! 😀


  6. hehe u managed to put a tense experience like that in such a light mood. I’m glad the tart turned out just fine.Next time if something like that happens try just pasting the dough in that tin, instead of rolling it out.I’ve learnt it works just fine.


  7. Thanks for the advice, Kate! Anyway, I was not quite myself 🙂 last night, so I definitely couldn’t think of anyting particularly clever like that!


  8. Umrla sam od smijeha na ovo :))
    Ali potpuno te razumijem, mala sam slicnih scena, to je za pocupat kosu s glave!


  9. a joj popizdila sam bila… muz mi je spasija sanity! 🙂


  10. “muz mi je spasija sanity!” – ovo je jedna od boljih izjava koje san cula u azdnje vrime! majkemi!


  11. jel’da? zvuci ko da mi je sanity macka il nesto! hahahaa

    hm hm sad mi je cak neugodno 🙂


  12. I love the bowl that the beans are in!


  13. You mean the bowl in the previous post? Me, too! It looks even better in real life. My photo above is not very good.

    ps. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂



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